What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a holistic approach, which supports you in activating your self-healing system, and thereby balances the energies in your body. The term “Kinesiology” stems from the Greek language and means “the science of movement”. This encompasses every type of movement: Our physical movement, biochemical processes, bioelectrical currents in our meridians and mental shifts of perception.
Kinesiology is based on principles of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. A graduated BIK Kinesiologist-AP has in-depth knowledge of Kinesiology (applied physiology), psychology, western medicine basics, nutrition and energetics. A Kinesiology session does not replace a medical consultation or treatment.
Kinesiology can be helpful within the following areas:
Kinesiology does not treat symptoms. It addresses the root of the problem. Treatments are suitable for people of all ages and walks of life. Kinesiology is usually combined with traditional medicine or other healing methods.
TREATMENTs / Health insurance
Kinesiology Treatments
Please wear comfortable clothes for your 60 to 90 minute Kinesiology session. After discussing your medical history, you will lie down for most of the treatment. The number of sessions depends on your health challenges. Usually 3 to 8 sessions are booked at intervals of 1-4 weeks. The first treatment lasts 90 minutes and costs CHF 180.- (CHF 120.- per hour will be charged for each following treatment).
Medical Confidentiality
As a Kinesiologist I respect Swiss law in medical confidentiality. Exceptions are requests by medical examiners from your health care provider. After a certain number of Kinesiology sessions your health care provider might
require information regarding your treatments. I will only pass on information after consulting you.
Health Insurance
I am registered with ASCA, EMR and Visana, which cover most health insurances in Switzerland. Health care providers reimburse varying amounts based on your coverage/provider. These costs are covered by complimentary insurance (“Komplementärversicherung”), which are included in most insurance packages. I recommend requesting additional information directly from your health care provider.
About me
Hello! I am happy that you have discovered my website and are interested in Kinesiology? My name is Michael Schüpbach and I am a passionate Kinesiology Therapist and Musician. Already as a child, I was fascinated by alternative medicine and “complementary” therapy. I started my professional career in customer service for a international company. In 2009 I graduated from my trilingual studies in International Business Management. After three years in Marketing and Sales for an international company I decided to follow my true passion. I studied and graduated as a certified Kinesiology Applied Physiology practitioner from the Bernese Institute for Kinesiology (BIK). Early on in my studies I began to practice the techniques with family members and friends. Through word of mouth my practice has been growing steadily ever since. Now, happily self-employed, I treat patients in central Basel (Steinenvorstadt) at activebalance –Practice for Physiotherapy and Alternative Medicine.
A passion for alternative medicine and music has accompanied me throughout my life. After studying at Musicians Institute (MI/KIT) in Hollywood, Los Angeles I started my solo career as a pianist and singer, Mike Low (www.mikelowmusic.com). I give concerts in Switzerland and abroad. My music is played on various radio stations in Switzerland and USA. I have lived, worked and studied in wonderful places including Sweden, China, USA, France, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines. Today, I am based in Switzerland and live with my partner and our daughter in Basel.
I am looking forward to meeting you and would consider it a privilege to accompany you on your path to a more healthful and joyous life!
"Kinesiology does not just look at symptoms, but treats the cause of illness"
Michael SchüpbachReferences
Mike wurde mir von meinem Physiotherapeuten empfohlen. Zunächst war ich skeptisch, denn ich hatte schon mal eine Begegnung mit einem Kinesiologen, die mich nicht wirklich überzeugte. Lange habe ich den Kontakt in meiner Tasche mit mir herumgetragen. Irgendwann habe ich es gewagt und ihn kontaktiert. Das war vor nunmehr zwei Jahren. Seither begleitet mich Mike ununterbrochen durch die Höhen und Tiefen meines bewegten Lebens. Er ist zu meiner absoluten Bezugsperson geworden. Ob bei meinen Nackenproblemen und meiner Ernährungsumstellung, oder wenn es darum geht Lebenssituationen zu sortieren. Wenn ich bei Mike aus der Stunde gehe fühle ich mich immer körperlich entspannt und geistig befreit.
Kerstin Greschek, Dipl. Sportwissenschaftlerin
Mike ist ein sehr fürsorglicher, verständnisvoller, intuitiver und unterstützender Mensch.
Aaron Hale, Personal & Relationship Prosperity Coach
Ein sehr intuitiver Therapeut. Sehr empfehlenswert.
Beverley Worboys, Singer & Vocal Coach
Ich habe Mike vor allem wegen Schulterinstabilitätsproblemen konsultiert. Er nimmt wahr was sich auf verschiedenen Ebenen abspielt, ist sehr führsorglich und geht auf subtile Veränderungen ein. Ich fühle mich immer erholt und positiv Gestimmt nach Sitzungen mit Mike.
James Bailey, Medizinischer Masseur
Schon seit einigen Jahren leide ich an den Folgen eines Bandscheibenvorfalls. Die Probleme kommen und gehen. Eines Tages hatte ich die Möglichkeit eine Probebehandlung bei Michael Schüpbach zu erhalten. Vorerst war ich skeptisch doch hat mich Mike vom Gegenteil überzeugt. Nach der Behandlung fühlte ich mich wie neugeboren.
Nicolas Friedli, Art Director/Communications
are you interested in kinesiology?
Michael Schüpbach
Certified BIK-Kinesiology Therapist AP
Steinenvorstadt 73* (Google Directions)
4051 Basel
+41 (0)76 730 0748*